Always know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.

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Not Another List of Content Prompts

The step-by-step guide where you’ll learn the repeatable strategy for creating  endless conversion content concepts  that are entirely custom to you and your audience.

When you, yourself have endless ideas for conversion content, you will…

Not to mention, you’ll never have to search outside of you for content inspiration again.

By the end of this simple, step-by-step process, you will be able to…

Shift the perspective of your content to start with the end in mind so that it connects with Right Fit leads instead of not-yet-ready-to-buy scrollers.

Come up with content ideas that organically “stand out from the crowd” simply by asking three simple questions.

Utilize a repeatable strategy to put yourself in your Right Fit clients’ shoes so effectively that the content topics you come up with will have them asking, “How’d you know?!”

You'll also have at least 9 conversion content ideas ready to be turned into up to 60 individual pieces of marketing content, right away.

"I was able to come up with more than 60 ideas to create content with! It's an insanely valuable exercise!"

"If your fairy godmother showed up today and you wished for an endless stream of ideas for content to serve your audience... she would direct you to ‘Not Another List of Content Prompts!’ Yes, you'll have to work for it a little bit because who knows your audience better than you, right? But, a few hours of your time to learn a process you can literally repeat forever... come on! That's magic right there.

I’ve been a collector of ‘content prompts,’ so I was intrigued by this guide. I could tell by the name that this was more strategic (& probably more sustainable). The step-by-step process was easy, fun, and confidence-building! I loved that despite the simplicity, it was highly effective. I was able to come up with more than 60 ideas to create content with! I'll use these ideas for articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and social media posts (adapted to each platform). It's an insanely valuable exercise! I’m celebrating having useful, genuine content ideas that are purposeful. (Sidenote: Content’ no longer feels like a four-letter word.)

I highly recommend it to anyone with a newsletter, a hub content area (blog, pod, IG lives, YouTube, etc.), and anyone on social media trying to attract your audience*. (Not 'an' audience, but YOUR audience.) If you’ve been a content prompt connoisseur like me, put down the appetizer platter because THIS guide is a main course. It will unlock your brain and connect you more deeply with your audience, clients, and internet friends! I love the confidence this guide gave me. I can’t WAIT to share my content! Such a powerful guide! Thank you!"

Clarity Coach (& Writer)

Here’s what you get when you purchase Not Another List of Content Prompts:

Not Another List of Content Prompts PDF

A 36-page fillable guide (with optional audiobook!) where you will…

  • Get clear on WHY you are creating content (hint: it’s not just to get clients!)
  • Learn the real reason that content prompts are SO ineffective at fulfilling your business goals
  • Become your own renewable resource for endless content concepts
  • Discover the best “starting point” from which to inspire your content creation Identify the difference between content that attracts people who aren’t ready to buy versus content that attracts people who are
  • Ask 3 questions to see into the present lived experience of your Right Fit client (so you can create content that makes them feel SO seen and understood!)
  • Create 9-15 content concepts (and then learn how to turn each of those concepts into at least 4 unique pieces of content — that means you’ll walk away with up to 60 pieces of content, ready to create!)
  • …and more!

BONUS #1: Content Maximizer Worksheet

Learn how to turn one content idea into at least 4 different pieces of content, so your endless content ideas create even more endless content ideas.

BONUS #2: Mutually Valuable Educational Content Guide

Discover what makes GREAT educational content that both serves your community and your business (because it’ll give them a true taste of your work and naturally lead to them wanting more!). If you’ve ever been worried about “giving everything away” in your free content — this is for you.

"The framework for the actionable steps helped me to feel very solid about how to make this work for me, rather than just prompts or a to do list."

"The cheeky title of this guide made me think there might be something different about this resource versus the others I’ve tried (programs I’ve been involved in or resources I’ve bought). And I was right! The framework for the actionable steps helped me to feel very solid about how to make this work for me, rather than just prompts or a to do list that didn’t explain the ‘why’ behind it. I was able to come up with multiple content concepts without any blockages or obstacles to doing so. If you’re frustrated with content ‘buckets’ or ‘pillars’ and haven’t been able to make them work for you, I’d recommend Not Another List of Content Prompts."

Book Coach

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Great! 'Cuz I have A's!

psst! Have a Q we didn't answer here? Ask away via the chat in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

  • What’s included in Not Another List of Content Prompts?
    Not Another List of Content Prompts is a 36-page PDF guide with fillable question prompts. There's also an audiobook version available to you (delivered via private podcast) if that's your desired mode of learning.

    In addition to the guide, you’ll also receive access to our Content Maximizer worksheet as well as our Mutually Valuable Content mini-guide.

    All are delivered via a private training library for ease of access, and are available for download (excepting the audiobook).
  • How long do I have access to Not Another List of Content Prompts?
    You have access to the training library housing Not Another List of Content Prompts and your bonuses for as long as we continue to host it. However, you are welcome to download the guide and bonuses from the training library, effectively meaning that you have lifetime access to them.
  • How long will it take me to move through Not Another List of Content Prompts?
    You can expect to invest a couple of hours moving through the guide and bonuses as well as completing all exercises. By completing the included exercises, you’ll walk away with 9-15 content concepts (as well as clarity on how to turn each of those individual concepts into at least 4 unique pieces of content — that’s up to 60 pieces of content, ready to create!).
  • I’m a brand new business owner. Will this help me create content?
    Regardless of wherever you are in business, this guide will be MOST effective if you already know what your offer is and some basic information about who your ideal client is. If you do not already know both of those things, then I would highly recommend checking out our course The Aligned Niche™.
  • What if I already know how to come up with topics for my content? Will this still help me?
    That’s great! This guide will help you make the content topics you’re already coming up with even more effective. Particularly because it isn’t just focused on equipping you to come up with any ol’ content concepts, but rather to come up with ones that will speak directly to the purchase-ready version of your Right Fit client. If you’re finding that you’re creating lots of great content but it’s not really leading to anything—e.g. Right Fit leads stepping into your sales process—then you’re definitely going to get a lot out of this guide!
  • Will this guide teach me how to actually create the content for each of the concepts I come up with?
    Not Another List of Content Prompts is specifically focused on helping you come up with content concepts, of which you will walk away with up to 60 unique pieces of content, ready to create. However, it will not actually walk you through turning those concepts into content—that’s something that we only do inside of our content marketing incubator, Marketing Magnified.
  • How is this guide different than the content prompts, pre-filled content calendars, etc. that I've already purchased/downloaded?
    If you’ve ever looked at content prompts (and any of their cousins) then you know that they usually contain a lot of, “Create this type of content, following this type of formula, and you will be successful.” The truth, however, is that these content prompts, even if you follow them to a T, rarely work for anything beyond helping you be consistent in your marketing. Plus, they end up having you create content that is pretty gosh dang BOR-ING and definitely not going to help you authentically stand out from the crowd.

    Not Another List of Content Prompts, on the other hand, is showing you a repeatable strategy for coming up with content concepts that are entirely custom to you and your audience. And not just "custom" in the sense of, "share a benefit of your offer," but in the sense of: you'll KNOW how to speak directly into your Right Fit clients’ present lived experiences while organically positioning your work as their logical next step. Not only is this more effective at attracting clients, it’s WAY easier to “stand out from the crowd” when you are crafting content from concepts that are custom to you/you work. (Rather than being so run of the mill that everyone is including them in their list of content prompts!)

    You can see an example of the NALoCP process here:

    Basically, the approach we teach inside of Not Another List of Content Prompts is entirely different to those inside of a standard list of content prompts, or even pre-filled content calendars, resources on content pillars, or shiny generative AI prompts. Pick up the guide today to see for yourself (and very likely change the way you come up with "what to talk about" in your content, forever).

As business owners, we all know that we need to create content, and so we go to great lengths to do so. But at some point we realize that content for content's sake isn’t working, nor is following someone else’s “tried and true” caption or email formulas (no matter the success they claim to have from them). Not to mention: it’s BOR-ING to constantly give a 101-level of our work in our content, especially if you’re someone who thrive in the depths, nuances, and liminal spaces in your workand then you have to come and give a “hot take” or “quick tip” on social media.

Early on in my business, I tried content prompts and caption formulas too. While they were helpful for consistency, that’s pretty much all they helped with. And at some point, I knew I needed to find my own path to creating content that not only resonated with my Right Fit people, but that I was actually proud of and motivated to create and share with the world. It took a few years to figure it out, but when I did, not only have I never looked at another list of content prompts again (except for occasional competitor research ), I’ve also created MORE content—and had client after client tell me that it was my content that sold them on working with me (even though as a Business Coach I’m admittedly in what you could call a “crowded industry”).

Now I’m sharing the exact strategy that I and many of my clients use to come up with those custom conversion content topics inside of Not Another List of Content Prompts. Because let’s be real: the cookie cutter content topics can only get anyone so far. And if you want to be able to market your business effectively, in a way you’re proud of, too, you have to be able to come up with your own content ideas whenever you need to.

As a reminder, here's what you get with your one-time $9 purchase of Not Another List of Content Prompts:

➤ 36-page fillable PDF guide 
➤ Audiobook-style recording of Not Another List of Content Prompts

➤ BONUS #1: Content Maximizer Worksheet

➤ BONUS #2: Mutually Valuable Educational Content Guide

"I'm now embracing content creation even more, and created 9 content concepts."

"I’ve previously found content ideas within my own products, podcasts I listen to, conversations I have, and things I read. Still, I picked up Not Another List of Content Prompts as it sounded like a great resource to make those even more unique and impactful. After reading, I’m now embracing content creation even more than I already was, and created 9 content concepts as an initial exercise. But the framework in Not Another List of Content Prompts creates possibilities to do many more, especially with practice. I would recommend this guide to content creators who are looking to implement meaningful strategy behind their content and speak to their ideal clients in a way that aligns to their offers and serves their audience. Thank you Carly! I really like this resource and this approach to content creation."

Business and Productivity Coach
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  • 1xNot Another List of Content Prompts$9

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Change the way you come up with "what to talk about" forever (and for the better).

You don't have to show up and talk about the same boring ol' topics that everyone talks about in their content. And by becoming your own renewable resource full of endless content concepts, you'll always know what to post and be able to do so in a way that organically makes you "stand out from the crowd"!

Learn how in Not Another List of Content Prompts.