Get ready to scale beyond you

And do so sustainably, with client satisfaction—and the referrals, re-sign-ups (where applicable), and rave reviews that come with it—at the heart of everything you do.

Sound like you? That's why I created

The 1:1 consulting package in which we'll turn your offer suite into one that  naturally increases customer lifetime value  whilst even more  reliably facilitating the promised results of your work  so that you can scale with confidence and step into your role as a trusted leader in your industry.

“Carly is a true craftswoman. She provides a step-by-step process for achieving alignment in who you are, who you want to serve, your offers and your messaging. You feel safe at all times -- as you dare to go after what you really want, which is sustainable success.”

“I followed Carly for a number of years before working with her. There's always a craftsmanship to the way she speaks about marketing. There's always a framework for how she approaches a challenge. This is balanced by the obvious care for her clients and her desire to see them succeed.

Carly is a true craftswoman. She provides a step-by-step process for achieving alignment in who you are, who you want to serve, your offers and your messaging. You feel safe at all times -- as you dare to go after what you really want, which is sustainable success.

For three years, I delivered many different programs, workshops, courses and coaching.  I knew I wasn't attracting my best client, my offer suite felt like a jumble of ideas and my messaging reflected that.  I knew I had all these wonderful ingredients, but couldn't figure out how to put them together in a cohesive and aligned way.

Working with Carly is like having someone be your guide on a journey into your own mind.  She helped me uncover the potential of my work, that I couldn't access on my own.   She methodically takes you step-by-step through a process to help you align your audience, offers and messaging. As a result, I felt so calm and confident. I just lit up at so many points during our work together.

Enlightening is the best word to describe working with Carly. I have written descriptions of the client that will be most successful working with me. I have written copy for the obstacles, outcomes and results that I can directly use on my sales page, in my marketing, and in my sales calls. I have a step by step curriculum that I can translate today into a self-paced course that will allow me to grow my business and increase my impact. 

As an entrepreneur you're in the jar, so you can't see what's in the jar. After my work with Carly I gained clarity, confidence and calm because  I can now see the path to attracting my ideal client with offers that are transformational and marketing that is transparent and magnetic.  I am no longer in the dark.”

— Celina Guerrero, Sales & LinkedIn Coach —

Through Offer Ecosystem, we will...

The Offer Ecosystem Process

You'll walk away from our time together with:

Absolute clarity on who your Right Fit, and subsequently wrong fit, client is—and therefore the ability to preemptively weed out those who are a drain on your energy and not yet ready for your work, either through active (e.g. application to work with you) or passive (e.g. simply through the way you talk about your work) methods.

In three offers—your primary/"signature" offer, one smaller offer, and either another smaller offer or a free offer (used for lead generation)—you will...

Be able to articulate the exact journey your clients take for each offer to go from where they are to the intended transformation and/or result of that offer. (Yes, even if your work is of the “human transformation” variety, in which there tend to be a lot of variables and individualities.) This empowers you not only to design offers that reliably facilitate transformations and results, it also helps you understand what data to watch (and celebrate/market) along their journey to ensure they're moving in the right direction and making measurable progress.

Know exactly what to include in your offer and how to structure it, so that your clients are equipped and supported to take each of the steps in that journey. 

Price your offer in such a way that it is sustainable for you and equitable for your Right Fit clients.

p.s. This work is not limited to any particular type of offer—e.g. 1:1 coaching, membership, done-for-you service, course, workshop, PDF, etc.—as all of it is foundations-focused and then we use the foundations to ascertain what structure will most set up your Right Fit clients to succeed. See the FAQs below for more details.

You will also have foundational messaging for at least one of your offers, with the training to be able to apply the same process to all of your offers to craft transparent and magnetic messaging that brings Right Fit clients into your right-for-them work. To be sure that you feel confident—because yes, I know messaging can be scary sometimes!—we'll also have you craft messaging for one of your offers on your own (after we do it for a different offer, first), and then we'll review your work together in our next session.

I promise: you can genuinely be GREAT at crafting foundational messaging. And if that feels impossible right now, it's likely because you've been using messaging strategies rather than building messaging foundations like we do in this package.


The investment in this VIP Package is $5,001, with a $300 discount when you opt to pay in full.

"We plan to build an empire of products and services and we now have a way to do this on repeat.”

"Carly has a unique holistic perspective on helping you build an entire business based on your values and what you want to put out in the world. I had already experienced the Carly magic in Marketing Magnified and knew that if I hired her for more personal attention, I would be able to start marketing my entire offer suite instead of just one product. And we were right:  having Carly’s eye on our messaging foundations and building our offers is invaluable. 

Specifically, the process she walks you through, we have now deemed ‘mr. miyagi moments’ in our business as they seem simple and then wind up magical. We stepped into Offer Ecosystem because we were in the midst of revamping our offers and building an offer suite. This process was filled with hard, but necessary questions, that helped us drill down to the important messaging pieces we needed to build our offer suite. It was also filled with generosity, kindness, and support.

Now we have clarity in our offer suite, namely a revised set of offers that are exactly suited to the kind of business we want to build;  Clear messaging  for 2 offers in the offer suite;  A replicable process  to go through for any new offer we create in the future. Not to mention a   renewed confidence and pride in our work alongside excitement to share our offers with the world.   We plan to build an empire of products and services and we now have a way to do this on repeat.

Stop considering and just sign up. It will be life changing. Pinky swear."

— Meredyth Mustafa-Julock, Productivity + Implementation Coach —

“Carly Jo understands how to help someone build THEIR business, not just a blueprint of her own business.”

"I signed up for Offer Ecosystem because I knew ‘what’ I helped clients with, but putting the ideal client into words was always a huge sticking point for me. I was creating offers I knew were only a piece of what they really needed.  And I was searching for someone who could really help me put all my thoughts, ideas, and offers into a cohesive and clear plan. 

Carly Jo is one of the most genuine people I've ever met. She gives so much expertise in her unpaid containers (like the FB group), and in her low-ticket offers, so I knew she'd really bring the help I needed in a one-on-one setting. Working with her and WholeCo Media has been seamless!  I've now completely rewritten my offer suite and am adding to my website as we speak. 

The work I did with Carly Jo has informed my social media posts this week and my podcast episode content. It has changed the way I talk about my clients, offers, and results!  Once you start working with Carly Jo, you'll wish you worked with her sooner!

— April Lokar, Business Consultant —

“[Carly] helped me break through that 10-month block I had in less than 2 hours.”

"I still reflect on the incredibly powerful coaching Carly gave me last year.  I had been experiencing a long-term block when it came to re-thinking through a new offer that lights me up and is connected to my business framework.  In my private session with Carly, she helped me break through that 10-month block I had in less than 2 hours, walking me through her proprietary process for exploring client readiness & transformation.

 Not only does she do everything with such expertise; she offers care, and requests consent each step of the way.   I learned so much, I got so many insights, and I can say that she was one of the echoes that brought me back into the truth that there is joy and power when I work with people to pause and dream: I had forgotten until she coached me.

I’m forever grateful, and I honestly can’t believe the breakthrough she facilitated: I need more Coach Carly time!"

— Chrysta Wilson, DEI Consultant, Vision and Outcomes Coach —

You’ve undoubtedly done a lot to bring your business to where it is today.
This work makes all of it more effective.
Sign up now for Offer Ecosystem, and let’s turn your offer suite into one that naturally increases customer lifetime value whilst even more reliably facilitating the promised results of your work so that you can scale with confidence and step into your role as a trusted leader in your industry.

Here's a reminder of what is included with your investment in this VIP Consulting Package:

➤ In-depth research by Carly into your business, with creation of a recommended (whilst flexible) AOM outline

➤ (5) 90-minute sessions, to be booked weekly or fortnightly, where we'll methodically build your unique AOM Alignment 

➤ Co-creation of the Offer Journey, Structure, and Price Point for (3) offers

➤ Co-creation of foundational Messaging for at least (1) offer with training to repeat this process for all of your offers

➤ Editable Google Doc with finalized versions of all Audience, Offer, Messaging Foundations that we develop together (you'll eventually expand this document to include this key information for all of your offers!)
Have a question before you sign up? Scroll down for FAQs or reach out to hello[at]
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment
Sign up for Offer Ecosystem:

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($4,700.00) — SAVE $300!$4700.00
  • Preferred option
    3 Monthly Installments (3x $1,667.00)3x $1667.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xOffer Ecosystem VIP Package$0

All prices in USD

I know it sounds "grand," but this work will change the way that you run your business for the better.

It will make you even more confident than you already are that you can (and DO) deliver what you say you will.

It will take offers that you have that are already pretty great and make them spectacular.

It will show you what it's like to be truly taken care of and supported as a client, and give you ideas for how to deliver the same experience to your clients.

It will show you why offers you had in the past just never felt right (and might even inspire you to create a new version of them again).

It will help you preemptively "weed out" clients who, even if they're great humans, are only going to become a drain on your time, energy, and money.

It will equip you with the solid "ground" that not only makes it easier (and more effective) to do the actual work you do, but that makes you genuinely come to love the "running a business" side of things too. (You just might start to really know yourself as the experienced business owner that you truly are.)

It will set you up to be able to scale your business beyond you (while ensuring that you still get to do all of the parts of running a business and delivering offers that you actually enjoy doing!).

Above all...

This work in Offer Ecosystem will equip you with what you need to be the type of business owner you want to be—both right now and "at scale."

One where you consistently deliver exactly what you say you will.

Where you actually truly enjoy both delivering and selling your work.

Where you can feel confident in marketing and selling, because you feel confident in delivering and even more confident in your ability to identify whether someone is a Right (or wrong) Fit client.

As a fun side effect, it will also help you understand what YOU truly need in YOUR business—and ditch so many of the shoulds, shiny objects, and strategies du jour that you see everywhere on these internet streets as a result.

No more, "Should I build a course? Should I run a membership? What should the price point be? How much 1:1 time, if any, should that include? How should I talk about this? Sell this?" because you'll have learned the foundations-focused (and self-trust-led) approach to building a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.
In short, Offer Ecosystem sets you up for real, lasting Sustainable Success.

And not just "sustainable" in that you're making more money. But sustainable in that you're getting paid really freaking well to do the work you most love doing, in the way you most love doing it, with the people you most love working with.  The best part? You're doing all of it from an energy of true service to your audience, community, and clients. (A TRUE win-win!)

A limited number of spaces are available in Offer Ecosystem each quarter. Step in today to begin the journey.

“Now I know how to build an offer to get real results for my clients. It's truly the business foundations you can never unlearn. The investment will still be paying me back as long as I am in business.”

"Even though I had just finished up a messaging audit and session on my main offer, I knew something was off with my offer stack as a whole.  I wanted to create an offer stack that was cohesive, and made sense.  And in a way that  met my potential clients where they are at  in their journey.

This experience was nothing short of life-changing. That might sound like some lip service, but that's not it. This work with you was needed more than I even thought it was. You leveled me up in business.  There were moments that felt like I was getting an MBA because of what I was learning.  It all felt like a few master classes rolled into one experience. It also sometimes felt like  I was getting an advantage in business because I know how to create the exact success conditions my clients need and I know how to talk about them in my content.  I can see improved client results and advocates in my near future.

I chose to work with you, Carly for a few reasons. First, our values are so closely aligned. You market and move with a level of integrity that other people ‘claim’ to have but then yell at you through their words which just makes people feel bad.  Your work encourages self-trust and centers around the unique needs and desires of the whole person.  My work strives to do the same thing. Second, because I was bringing you in as a coach/consultant it was super important to see how you have been doing your own inner work around ego and how to work with people of color. I think having a coach who can control and be aware of these things sneaking in is powerful. You never once made me feel that you were pushing your agenda.

Another reason is that I trusted you a lot.  I could tell you had real client experience in the exact areas I needed help in and that you had the skills to help me identify if I was taking some misaligned steps.  Lastly, (but I can go on and on about why I and others should invest in your work) - both me and my business were ready. I wasn't looking to you to save my business. I was in a good place financially and mentally and understood at the very least, that I could learn skills that would reach beyond the offers and business we were talking about.

 I feel now, I could go off and create 5 other businesses and apply this knowledge.  I can and have created quality content as a result of our work together. Also, my offers now have the success conditions needed to take someone from where they're at to where they want to be. I have created a few quality digital products now, as a result of our work.  I am taking what I learned and using it to create content, create a sale page, create my newsletters, and literally everything.  I am also never creating and speaking about another offer without first going back through Audience - Offer - Messaging. And I am using this to create a totally different offer for a separate business.

I was constantly impressed with how much of a shift me and my business were making after just one session. I felt so safe to share even the not so good parts about business and what feelings were coming up for me while we worked through things. Now I know how to build an offer to get real results for my clients.  It's truly the business foundations you can never unlearn. The investment will still be paying me back as long as I am in business. 

It's also very important to note that now when I see other people market offers that are just strategies [vs. foundations], I can understand how I should/shouldn't implement those strategies in my business. Business strategy fits in after building the AOM foundations you need.  My business looks a lot different and I can clearly see why I wasn't getting the results I wanted from the effort I was putting in.  This shift and change of perspective is huge!

I truly believe with all my heart, we all have to run our business through Carly's framework so we can be ready for everything else. I know I will never be able to unlearn and unsee what you teach.  Carly is someone you can trust in this online space.  If you have been burned before, this will not be that. She is super aware of who is a good fit and who isn't. Trust that she will communicate that to you. I personally wanted to continue working with her and she kindly told me to go off and implement and then come back. She had an open to take more money from me. She didn't. And I respected that.

 Don't wait. This is 1000% worth the investment.  You will not be disappointed. The only business owners this won't help, are those looking for an ‘easy-way’ to success. This is not it. This work will make you think deeply about you, your clients, and your own expertise and that's not easy work.  This work might stretch you and challenge you, but it will make your business so much stronger. "

— Alicia Lozano, Operations & Change Management Consultant —


What types of businesses is this best for?

The main requirement to be a great fit for this offer is that you’ve already been delivering your work to clients, as we’ll use your previous experiences—both the “good” and “bad” ones—as context for what we build, all so that we can be fairly confident that the offer ecosystem that we’re building will stand the test of time in your business.

As to specific types of businesses — in this offer alone, I have supported everyone from a Systems and Operations Consultant (offers include: DFY work + membership + templates) to a Sales Coach (offers include: prerecorded and cohorted courses + coaching) to a Speaking Coach (offers include: live workshops + prerecorded courses + private coaching/mentorship) and more. In similar offers/work, I’ve supported all ranges of practitioners from coaches, course creators, service providers, consultants, healers, guides, and more. 

This offer will not be best suited toward those who are looking to secure corporate contracts as their primary source of revenue or who are physical product-based businesses.

I’ve already done a LOT of audience work in the past and/or I’ve built many offers and/or I’ve taken messaging courses and programs. How will this be different?

Most clients who step into the Offer Ecosystem VIP Package already have relatively successful businesses and/or have already been delivering their work to clients. Which means that to some extent, they’ve already done a LOT of work on their Audience, Offer/s, and Messaging.

These business owners choose to sign up for the Offer Ecosystem VIP Package because they’ve been spending a lot of time, energy, and perhaps even money trying to “figure this out themselves.” Or, they've worked with a bunch of (truly great) professionals on individual pieces, but they're still struggling to bring it all together into one cohesive ecosystem.

Now they want someone who can see their business from the outside, notice the things which they may not be able to see themselves (being “inside the bottle” as they say), and lead them through the process of extracting their own genius from their own brain and turn it into an ecosystem which is truly extraordinary and effective, and that will “go the distance” with them as their business continues expanding.

In the last 5 years of business, I’ve led over 100 individual business owners through this or similar work, not to mention the thousands who have joined my courses. I’ve done the actual process of building out Audience, Offer, and Messaging foundations hundreds if not thousands of times for/with both myself and my clients (and even a few business friends). Without fail, every single time that I lead a business owner through this process, they find deeper levels of clarity than they have ever had before in their business, much of which explains why they’ve been feeling "stuck"/“blocked” or why things haven’t worked (or have) in the past. Not to mention, this work then becomes the foundation for everything they build in their business from this point forward, and it helps them to both integrate previous courses/programs/coaching/other work they've done and to be more equipped to make truly right-for-them investing decisions as they continue growing their business.

(In fact, many report that this work opens their eyes to see the entire online business world differently. But that’s a side effect, not the intended outcome of our work.)

What type of offers can we build/work on in this package?

One of our primary goals in the Offer Ecosystem VIP Package is to develop and/or solidify three offers: your largest/”Full Transformation” offer (typically your "signature offer"), one of your smaller/”Single Solution” offers (often something like a course, membership, workshop, or even a smaller 1:1 offer, etc.), and some sort of free lead generation offer.

Because the work that we’ll do together is foundations-focused, you will be able to apply this same process to all of your offers—free or paid—whether they are a course, a group program, a service, a 1:1 package, a membership, a done-for-you service, etc.

In this offer alone/not even considering the similar work I've done with other clients, I have supported business owners to build and/or refine and/or optimize offers such as: DFY services, memberships, templates, cohorted/live courses, prerecorded/self-paced courses, private coaching/mentorship, consulting packages, live workshops, PDF guides, etc. There is no specific prescription for what type of offers you “should” build and deliver; everything is entirely customized to what will be best for both you and your Right Fit clients.

Will Carly be consulting, or is this a client-led coaching package?

The Offer Ecosystem VIP Package is primarily consulting, with coaching peppered in as necessary to continue making forward progress. I prepare heavily for the session by researching into all of the nooks and crannies of your business as it currently sits, and come to the first session with an outline of what we need to work on and where I anticipate that we will end up. Of course, this is fluid based on our ensuing conversations, but it gives us a direction and keeps us focused and clear.

Additionally, each session has a pre-planned topic/focus, with clear steps that we will take and accomplish, all so that you’ll walk away with the foundations for AOM Alignment and an offer ecosystem that you genuinely love selling and delivering, that reliably facilitates results and/or transformations, and that creates a community of Right Fit fans who celebrate and champion your work.

When can we get started?

I’m currently accepting bookings for Q4 2024. Once you sign up, you’ll be invited to book your first session, after which a member of Team WholeCo follow up to book your remaining (4) sessions—which must be booked within 10 weeks from your first session, and at the fastest can be booked once weekly.

I require at least two weeks between sign up and your first session so as to provide space for you to complete onboarding and for me to complete my research into your business.

How will we use the (5) 90-minute 1:1 sessions?

Each of our 1:1 sessions has a very specific purpose. Which, as you'll discover as we build out your Offer Ecosystem, intentionality and including exactly what you need—no more, no less—is a very necessary component of building powerful offers that reliably facilitate results with your clients.

Here's an outline of what you can expect:

  • Session 1: Audience Foundations (includes a — very — brief review of your Ideal Client, followed by a deeper dive on your best-positioned to succeed client, the two purchase-ready versions of your client, and an introduction to the physiology of a Right Fit client)
  • Session 2: Offer #1 Foundations, often your Signature Offer, though some clients choose to start with an offer that feels more pressing, e.g. a course that they intend to launch in the upcoming quarter
  • Session 3: Offer #2 Foundations (All offer-focused work includes uncovering which type of offer this is — there are two foundational types — as well as crafting the customer success journey and each of the structural and support pieces required for your offer to reliably facilitate the results you promote that it will.)
  • Session 4: Review and solidify Offer #3 Foundations (you will be invited to build these foundations on your own between sessions, so that you can be confident to continue doing this work yourself after our time together wraps up) + Begin Messaging work for one offer
  • Session 5: Finalize Messaging Foundations for at least one offer (you will be invited to to complete some messaging work on a second offer in between Session 4 and 5, which we will review together in our final session so that you can confidently continue to do this work yourself beyond our time together)

Of course, we also allow the structure of our sessions to meet you exactly where you're at, and while each session retains a specific theme, there is flexibility in customizing that theme to you. For example, some clients are already quite solid in one of their offers, and so we may spend less time on that offer and may even add in some work on a fourth offer. 

What ethos or approach do you take to pricing?

My ethos on pricing is that it needs to BOTH be sustainable for you and equitable for your client. We do not operate from a "charge your worth" mentality, nor do we particularly favor high-ticket or low-ticket. It's all about what is sustainable for you to deliver a high-caliber offer AND what is equitable for your Right Fit (for this offer) client. This ability to truly find the right-for-you, your business, and your audience price point is one of the many benefits of taking a foundations-focused approach as opposed to following one specific pricing strategy.

We do have frameworks that we will work from to determine your best-fit price point/s, but we also hold them loosely and ensure that we land on a price that you can confidently stand behind and are excited to sell and deliver at. Understandably, the practical manifestation of that will look different for every business owner. If you are in a transition time in your business (e.g. pivoting away from primarily DFY work into more consulting work, or away from high-ticket/high-touch coaching to courses and digital products, to name a couple common examples), we may also look at "right now" price points versus "long-term price points"—which often support you to more comfortably and confidently make the transition.

In addition to considering both what is sustainable for you + equitable for your client, in all conversations on pricing, I am always considering questions such as: where do you want your "bread and butter" money to come from? How do your price points interact with and inform one another? How can we use price points to position offers as an obvious-yes, both for an initial purchase and for a repeat purchase (where applicable)? I also really work to balance strategically increasing customer lifetime value with honoring your audience, and only selling them things that are truly in service of them, in that moment/at that point in their journey.

I could go on and on about my ethos to pricing (clearly), so I'll stop there. Feel free to reach out if you have more Qs.

I am a done-for-you service provider. What type of offers will we work on in Offer Ecosystem?

As a done-for-you service provider, we'll map out your services just as we would map out any other offer. Not to say that DFY services are "the same" as, let's say, coaching offers (because they 100% aren't). But rather that all of the work we are doing in this package is foundations-focused, meaning it applies to DFY services just as much as it does coaching/consulting offers or even courses/digital products.

What I mean by that is that for each offer:

  • We'll get clear on which one of the two foundational types of offer it is.
  • We'll map out the exact journey that your Right Fit client will need to take, regardless of whether they work with you or not, in order to see the results that you promote for your offer.
  • We'll choose the structure of the offer that best supports them in taking each of those steps.
  • We'll determine what to include (and what not to include) in the offer in order to create the conditions within which they will take those steps.
  • We'll identify the price point that is both sustainable for you and equitable for them.

Now, some DFY service providers join Offer Ecosystem when they are ready to expand their Offer Suite beyond "only" DFY services, often because they are desiring to scale beyond the work they can sustainably do (but don't want to become an agency). In this case, we'll often solidify your DFY offer to ensure it can even more reliably facilitate the results that you promote, whilst also setting up an/other offer/s to take its place as your "bread and butter" money. This process often, but not always, includes raising the price on your DFY work.

Past clients who are DFY service providers have found that this approach makes it easier for them to transition out of DFY services being their main revenue stream and transition into more of the teaching, consulting, or coaching role they wish to evolve into, with minimal disruption to their cashflow. Of course, some clients wish to stay purely service providers! And I'm all for that, too.

I want to build a course. Can we do that in Offer Ecosystem?

Yes. Not only have I personally built many courses that facilitate reliable results for/with my clients, I've also supported many business owners to turn their expertise into a course, as well. Whilst I am not a certified instructional designer, I have done a lot of intentional studying around adult learning, customer experience, client retention, somatics and the physiology of transformation, and more—and these are all influences that I'll bring into our work to outline your course curriculum. Plus, I've taken people with 15+ years in instructional design through this offer, and even they found new clarity on how to structure their offers and courses to better serve their people in achieving the intended results of their offers.

In addition to walking away from our work together with a full, step-by-step outline of your course curriculum that you can begin creating right away, we'll also work through and plan for additional support measures and inclusions that will create the conditions for reliable student success. Things like onboarding/offboarding surveys, access length, engagement and retention emails, and more. We'll also find natural upsell opportunities—or "bridges" into your larger offers—and I'll give direction on how to best utilize and optimize those opportunities.

I have a question that you didn't answer here.

Happy to answer it! Please reach out to my team at hello[at] and we'll get back to you within 3 business days. We can even book a Discovery Call if that would best suit the conversation!