Decide who you work with, how you help, and then learn to talk about it so you can finally get your online business going in the direction you desire it to!

Join The Aligned Niche today.

Sound familiar? I built this for you!

The Aligned Niche is a step-by-step course where you will learn to  clearly express who you help and how  so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff.

Through step-by-step trainings meant to get you into action (rather than simply turn into yet another thing you consume), you will come to…

I now feel more confident that I can work with clients who want what I offer and who are the right fit for me, and I don't have to feel limited by a specific industry or specialty. The course videos were short, powerful and to-the-point so I could get the information I needed to spend quality time thinking and working through the workbook. I would recommend it to any new business owner so they don't spend years talking to the wrong people (like I've done), and so they can come right out of the gate with clarity on how to present powerful offers that convert."


“Before [this course] I had no idea what niching really meant. Now I know that niching doesn't mean only working with one specific person forever. It means understanding the problem that exists, how I can help, and marketing to anybody experiencing that problem. The detailed sections in the course were great in getting me to think about what my client actually wants and what they need, and then how to approach figuring out how I can actually help with that. I'm definitely recommending this to other online business owners!”

Online Business Owner

"I was hesitant to niche because I felt that I would be missing out selling to certain groups of people, but through [this course] I realized that niching will actually help my business be even more successful. The course itself was easy to follow; I liked that it was broken down into short sections with activities to do, which helped me identify my clients who are ready to buy and really think about my offers. I now understand how to create an offer that will appeal to the Right Fit ideal client. Thank you for this program, it has given me a lot of clarity in areas I was struggling with."

Online Business Owner

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

Here’s exactly what you’ll do inside The Aligned Niche:

Define your Niche Statement so you can check “find my niche” off your to do list, for good! (p.s. your niche is NOT your ideal client!)

Identify your Purchase-Ready client so you can hone all of your messaging, copy, and content in on speaking directly to the people who are ready to buy, right away. PLUS…

Uncover the four types of clients (HINT: you only want to sell to two of them!)

 Prevent draining client experiences  by discovering who your true Right Fit client is (later you'll discover how to specifically speak to, and therefore attract, them!)

Complete a quick and clarifying Ideal Customer Persona exercise to help  humanize the people you’re learning to speak to  on the other side of your screen!

Identify which version of your Right Fit client is  Purchase-Ready  (because IDK about you, but convincing people to work with me is the LAST thing I want to do!)

Build offer/s and packages that deliver on what they say they will so you can begin to confidently talk about and sell your work, knowing that you are ready to reliably facilitate results. PLUS…

Learn the  two core types of offers  that define exactly how your work needs to be structured (this helps you answer the questions of, “membership or course?” “one day workshop or 3 day virtual retreat?” “done for you or done with you?” with ease!)

Build a step-by-step pathway for your clients to take to achieve their desired transformation or result (even if your work is nuanced, highly individual, and/or complex!) so that you  know what you need to include in your offer/s  (and what will only exhaust you and distract them from doing what they need to do!)

Design offer/s that  create high quality client experiences  and  deliver what you say they’re going to  (without overdelivering or exhausting yourself in the meantime)

Get what’s in your head out on paper in a way that positions your offer as an obvious-yes for your Right Fit clients so that the right people get it and the people who aren’t yet ready for your work will weed themselves out. PLUS…

Get my clients’ favorite  no-call market research strategy  that takes as little as 10 minutes a day for 5 days

Discover the power you have to  define the type of person you attract  simply through the language you’ll use to describe your work (you’ll also see through this exercise why pain point prodding is entirely ineffective at bringing Right Fit people into your work!)

Create a simple to say, crystal clear, and  highly memorable one sentence overview for each of your offers  so that anytime someone asks about it, you know precisely what to say

Find  language to describe just how phenomenal your work is,  even if your work has “intangible” or highly individualized results (here’s looking at you life coaches!), that doesn’t overpromise on things you can’t actually guarantee

All of this is delivered through short (~5-10 minute) trainings with English captions, formatted and edited written transcripts, an actionable whole-course workbook, and a private podcast feed of the trainings. Once you sign up, you have lifetime of the course access to all trainings inclusive of future updates.


3 monthly installments of $100 or $297 pay in full

"I always thought niching was a bit restrictive, now I realized that it actually opens up my audience! The course was informative and it went deeper than any other course or book I’ve read about finding your ideal audience. Not only do I now have more clarity on my audience, offers, and messaging, I’m even applying it to my marketing. Overall, I loved this course!"

Online Business Owner

"I always worried that 'niching' would mean that I’d have a really small circle of potential clients, but after [this course] I feel so much better about niching and it makes more sense to me now. The short videos helped me to not get information overload, and my biggest takeaway was that everything in business is really about the client. I feel so much more clear!"

Online Business Owner

“Niching was always a vague concept in my mind. Now I feel more confident in where I'm going with my content and I had so many a-ha moments! I'm feeling excited all over again my writings, and less overwhelmed by marketing and what to say about my books. I have a more clearer vision and I have tools now that can help me (in other areas of my life too).”

Online Business Owner

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

“I thought ‘niching’ meant I could only work with clients in one industry and speaking to them meant calling out that industry. I was confused how everything I read said niching or getting super specific on my ideal client would help me get more clients because that didn't feel like the case, but now I realize I was doing it wrong! I feel like niching in the way you've taught it here has been a HUGE aha moment for me. Before I was so lost and foggy on what to post because we could help so many different types of people. Now I feel pretty clear on what to post speaking to this ONE ideal client and that is  

That was pretty amazing, but also, the last exercise where I took the problems, questions, and experiences and created content ideas was amazing! The content ideas just poured out of me! 

I loved that you tied audience, offer, and messaging together. It seems like so many resources out there look at each of these separately, leaving me to piece things together like Frankenstein's monster. I got so much more clarity and finally feel like I can make real progress! 

I'm celebrating that I finally know what it means when people say to speak to your ideal client (for some reason that just felt so hard and confusing before) and the fact that 2024 is going to be amazing as I implement what I've learned! 

I would definitely recommend [The Aligned Niche]. I've spent 8 years in business trying to figure this out with other courses, coaching, books, and trial and error. I could have saved so much time and money. This course would be perfect for anyone who feels like they draw a blank every time they try to post on social media or write copy, feel like they can help so many people and try to cover all those bases when they create content, or have been trying to figure out how to get new clients on sales calls for years and feel like they're spinning their wheels.”

Bookkeeper and Accountant

Plus, receive these bonuses!

Three questions for literally endless conversion content ideas

Mini-training on how to use your messaging in your marketing content

Supplemental recordings answering common questions like…

➤ What if you have multiple ideas of work you want to do, but don't know what to choose?

➤ How do I ensure my clients get the results I say they will? (Spoiler alert: you can't. But that's a really great thing.)

➤ If I don't need to "be an authority" to get clients, what do I need to do?

➤ When is the right time to start a membership? Or build a course? Or create a resource library for my clients?

➤ How do I price my offers in a way that is both equitable and sustainable for me and my clients?

➤ Is it better to offer single coaching sessions as a new coach, or to create dedicated packages?

➤ I'm a newer business owner and service provider, and my Right Fit client is 'ahead' of me in business. How do I get over the fear and intimidation around working with people who are 'ahead' of me?

...and more! PLUS, whenever we find that our clients are asking similar questions, we pop a new Q&A into this library. Which makes this resource continually become even more of an asset on your journey through business!

All completely complementary when you join The Aligned Niche.

“This was a great course, and I’d recommend it to people who already have expertise helping people within their profession and who know who they like to work with, but are not sure how to make that a niche and/or define a clear offer. I loved the step-by-step exercises, and there was something about the way you teach designing an offer that made it so much easier. The [messaging process] of going from Obstacles to Outcomes to Real Results was also really helpful.”

Online Business Owner

"I had previously done some work around niching, but now I have so much more clarity. The course was clear, well designed and laid out, and I really liked the step-by-step approach. There were even transcripts to read rather than listen! My biggest aha was that my marketing needs to be focused specifically on the PURCHASE-READY people. I’ve done marketing plans in the past, but this particular piece was quite helpful as this is a detail that’s often missed! Overall, this is an excellent program. Thank you!"

Online Business Owner

“I definitely thought niching was, ‘I work with health coaches.’ I like that you presented it as more broad and that's it's more about the problems people are facing and how you are the exact right person to help. The visualization was so clarifying and I loved the way that it was all broken down as well as Carly’s presentations. I now have new skills that I can use when presenting offers, and I'd recommend [this course] to any business owner who is struggling with what they do and how to talk about it.

Certified OBM

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"Niching in terms of the client avatar made sense to me, but through [this course] I learnt more about how to niche my messaging—which makes so much sense! I loved the clear, simple, executable steps in the program and I now feel really clear on my offers and messaging. THANK YOU!"

Online Business Owner

"I was overwhelmed by niching because I felt like I had to box myself in. Now I’m much more free and liberated! The course was simple and actionable, and the workbooks really helped. I now know how to shape my offers in a way that will attract the right people and have more clarity to move forward."

Online Business Owner

"I was super reluctant to niche before [this course], and now I’m much more excited about it! All of the exercises were really practical, for example, I came out of the course with messaging that I can use straight away. This was a great programme!"

Online Business Owner

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

Have Q's?

Great! 'Cuz I have A's!

  • My work is really nuanced, specific, and/or complex. Will The Aligned Niche™ help me?

    After supporting many clients whose work was self-proclaimed “nuanced,” “specific, and/or “complex,” I’ve seen again and again that 1) typically their work is not as complicated as they think it is – it simply feels complicated to talk about it until you move through the process in The Aligned Niche™, and 2) even if their work IS super complicated, talking about it doesn’t have to be that way – and I give exercises to help you find the “simplest” way to talk about your work in The Aligned Niche™!
  • Every time I’ve tried “niching” in the past, I’ve ended up feeling really boxed in and stuck. Will this program help me speak to a wide array of types of clients?
    Short answer: abso-freaking-lutely.

    Long answer: Not only does The Aligned Niche™ take you well beyond niching, it also is built entirely around a very expansive approach to niching in which you niche on the problem you solve rather than on the type of person you can support.

    This is the exact process I’ve guided over 100 individual business owners (+ thousands of course participants!) to build offers and messaging that attracts anyone who is ready and looking for the work that you sell and deliver.

    Niching—and subsequently building out your Audience, Offers, and Messaging as we do in this course—in this way opens up your audience SIGNIFICANTLY and sets you up to be able to effectively serve and support even more humans both right now and over the lifetime of your business. Not to mention: it feels SO FREEING to “niche” on the problem, not the person!
  • I’ve watched your free training, Niche on the Problem, Not the Person. Is this course basically an extended version of that?
    The free training—Niche on the Problem, Not the Person—purely shows you how to create a Niche Statement, or a single sentence that says exactly what your niche is. That is a great start, but you can’t just stop at a Niche Statement, you have to learn how to actually bring it to life by bringing Right Fit people into your right-for-them work.

    Identifying your true Right Fit client (which goes well beyond Ideal Customer work), building an offer/s that reliably facilitates results, and crafting messaging (the language!) that tells those Right Fit people that this offer is what they’re looking for is what we do inside of The Aligned Niche™.

    So, sure, The Aligned Niche™ builds on the free training, but it goes well beyond it and turns that Niche Statement into real offers for real people, with real language to attract those people into those offers.
  • What type of businesses does The Aligned Niche™ work for?
    The Aligned Niche™ is meant for online business owners, specifically service providers, coaches, course creators, and practitioners such as healers and guides. And we have TONS of Aligned Niche’rs from all of those categories who’ve found so much clarity and are now so much more confident in their work and business — from their work in The Aligned Niche™!

    The primary type of businesses that I do not recommend The Aligned Niche™ for are physical product-based businesses and businesses whose primary clientele is large corporations.
  • How will I access The Aligned Niche™?
    Once you sign up, you'll receive an email from our learning platform inviting you to sign into the private training library. Once inside, you'll be able to start unleashing your niche right away!

    Please give our systems up to 15 minutes to deliver your access; and be sure to double check that your email address is written correctly when signing up on this page.
  • Is the The Aligned Niche™ content accessible for me? In what format is it delivered?
    The Aligned Niche™ is delivered primarily through short, step-by-step video trainings that even our most neurospicy clients LOVE. Each video training also has optional English captions as well as full speed controls (up to 2x speed). You’ll also find edited and formatted written transcripts with each training, plus every training (even the purely written ones!) have audio files delivered on a private audio feed.

    Short video? Check. Audio? Check. Written transcripts? Check. Speed controls and captions? Check!
  • Do I need to buy anything else to access or use The Aligned Niche™?
    Nope! All you need is the ability to watch or listen and engage with the trainings, which can be done on your computer, through the Thinkific app on your phone, or in our private podcast (opt in is complementary but required for podcast access). We do recommend that you have access to Google Docs to fill out your workbook, but if you don't, you can download a copy of the document and answer the questions in whatever word processor you have access to.
  • How long will I have access to The Aligned Niche™ once I purchase?
    By investing in The Aligned Niche™, you will have lifetime of the course access to all materials and any future updates.
  • Does The Aligned Niche™ advocate or require the use of AI?
    While I am such a big fan of AI (when used appropriately!), I’ve seen time and time again that in order for business owners to really make the most out of AI, they need to already be confident in their own business foundations—especially their Audience, Offers, and Messaging.

    Though AI can help to refine or even ideate any of the above, you will only be able to tell if what AI gives you is aligned or not if you are already clear on your foundations, first.

    And guess what?! That’s precisely what The Aligned Niche™ supports you to do: get clear on your Audience, Offer, and Messaging foundations on your own (without AI), after which you can play around with and use AI as you please (and do so much more effectively)!
  • I'm choosing between The Aligned Niche™ and one of your other courses/programs. Which would you recommend?
    If you are in your first 0-12 months of business and/or have not yet brought on any paying clients (except maybe a couple through personal connections), we’d almost always recommend that you start here and build your Audience, Offer, and Messaging foundations.

    These empower you to get the core of your business solid, so that you can begin bringing Right Fit clients in confidently and with intention, knowing that you have offer/s that are structured to reliably facilitate results.

    Want to see a full breakdown comparison of our three main offers to ensure this one is right for you? Head to
  • I think I need help with my marketing. Will The Aligned Niche™ help me with that?
    The most honest answer to this question is, "yes, and." A lot of business owners think that marketing is where they need the most help, often because they're entirely overwhelmed by the idea of it or they've been creating a lot of content and it's bringing basically zero results. But the truth is: marketing is the fourth step, not the first. And what MOST defines your ability to be "successful" in marketing is steps 1-3.

    (1) Do you already know which version of your Ideal Client is purchase-ready, and how to talk explicitly and exclusively to them?
    (2) Do you already have an offer or offers that are set up to reliably facilitate results?
    (3) Do you already know how to communicate what makes your offer unique and an "obvious yes" for your Right Fit clients?

    If the answer to any of those Qs is "no," then join us inside The Aligned Niche™, because you'll literally walk away from the course being able to answer all three of those Qs and soooo much more. All of which sets you up to *actually* be successful with marketing, lead generation, and sales.

    By the way: you have 3 calendar months from the date you join The Aligned Niche™ to upgrade to our content marketing incubator, Marketing Magnified, and apply your total investment, up to $300, from your investment in The Aligned Niche™ to that program. So if you're like, "But Carly, I REALLY need help with my marketing," we've got ya covered! Join The Aligned Niche™ today and then when you're done, upgrade to Marketing Magnified at up to $300 off.

Look anywhere in this online business world and you’ll hear a thousand different variations of “what you should do" to be successful in business.

But here at WholeCo, I’m not interested in telling you what to do.

I’m interested in equipping you to figure out the exact approach to building your business that is right for you.

Because if you really want to succeed over the long-term of your business, you don’t need yet another person saying, “This is what worked for me; do this too!” You need to know how to actually build and run a business that brings you as much JOY as it does revenue. And that starts with the processes and exercises I’m leading you through inside The Aligned Niche.

This is not another course you’ll buy but never finish. This is a course that you’ll get into and want to continue and complete, because—as you’ll read in many of our testimonials—we’re talking about business in a foundations-focused and self-trust-way that is extraordinarily uncommon in this “1-2-3 step strategy” obsessed online business world.

If you’re ready to finally figure out these foundational pieces (so that you can make the more forward-facing elements of your business—like marketing, lead gen, and sales—even MORE effective!), then join me inside The Aligned Niche today.

“[This course] was well paced and the workbook had good prompts to keep you moving through without giving up. Watching myself on video was fairly eye opening as well. I’ve accomplished my first real offer and these exercises were useful for shifting my mindset! Overall, I think it can help people narrow their focus at all levels of experience. Sort of a check in with yourself so you have some passion behind what you're doing and how you're really helping.”

Online Business Owner

"Because of [this course] I have an elevator pitch for each offer that resonates with my ideal customer. The course helped me refine what I was already saying and doing in a way that feels right for me. I especially liked how the focus is on who you truly want to work with, and then structuring your services to meet them where they are. I also loved the focus on adjusting your messaging so that you don’t have to convince people why they need your service."

Online Business Owner

“I had tried niching over and over and I felt like I never got it right. Now I understand the difference between ‘Ideal Clients’ and Purchase-Ready Clients, and that my marketing messages were too wide before — speaking to the ‘Ideal Client’ when I needed to narrow it to my Purchase-Ready Client. As to the course itself, I found the workbook simple and easy to go through in my own time, and I’d recommend [this course] to other coaches like me!”

Online Business Owner

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
Here’s what you’ll find inside The Aligned Niche:
➤ Lifetime of the course access to the training library and all future updates.
➤ Approximately 2 hours of content broken into short, bite-sized training videos with formatted written transcripts, captions, and a private audio feed.
➤ A famously actionable WholeCo workbook in which you’ll build your Audience, Offer/s, and Messaging as you go!
Plus these BONUSES:
➤ Three questions for endless conversion content ideas 
➤ Mini-training on how to use your messaging in your marketing content
➤ Supplemental recordings answering common questions 

“I LOVED how simple this course was. Everything was super clear and easy to follow. It always felt so hard to figure out who I wanted to serve and how to help them. Now I feel a lot more clarity around it! As I started working in my workbook, I found that ideas kept flowing. Now I'm working on a marketing plan and I have so much more clarity and direction (and excitement) to move forward.”

Kajabi Tech Integrator
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Sign up for The Aligned Niche:

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Intending to join us for the LIVE round? Ensure you select one of the payment options below that starts with "LIVE ROUND" in the description.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $297$297.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay — 3 monthly installments of $1003x $100.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Aligned Niche™$0

All prices in USD

"I like that the lessons were short and actionable. I didn’t get overwhelmed because you kept things simple, which gave me the space to really think about the exercises and stretch myself. My biggest moment of clarity was distinguishing between the Solution-Oriented and the Transformation-Ready version of my ideal customer, which also freed me from using language that speaks to the people who are looking for a savior. I’m also celebrating greater clarity on how to structure my offers! Overall, I enjoyed the course and got a lot out of it."

Online Business Owner

"Before [this course] I felt uncomfortable about niching and was afraid of it. However, Carly Jo did a great job of making it much less scary and it makes a ton more sense now. I particularly loved that the course didn’t take too long to finish and I was able to get all of the important information. My biggest takeaway was figuring out where I wanted to focus my business and how to explain my offer to potential customers. I’ve now niched down and I’m excited to get started on creating a sales page, content, and more!"

Online Business Owner

"I was so STUCK before [this course]! Now, I’m prepared to move forward (and it feels so good!). I especially loved the focus in the messaging module on outcomes instead of 'pain points.' Thank you for the permission to move past pain! I must admit, I’ve previously been willing to take anyone on as a client. Now I’m changing it up to attract less 'hand holding' clients; it’s time for clients who are ready to take ownership of their own outcomes! I’ll now have more time freedom for myself, I’ve focused on two main offers, and I feel so much more empowered to empower others!"

Online Business Owner

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"Before [this course] I had no idea what my niche was. Learning about the 4 types of Ideal Customer and how ready they are to buy, and then how to translate that into obvious-yes offers was so eye opening for me."

Online Business Owner

"Niching was always confusing for me, but now I feel confident on creating my ideal client. I particularly loved the exercises on how to find my messaging, and now I feel more confident about my business!"

Online Business Owner

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
Build the foundations that empower you to even more confidently call in Right Fit clients who are looking for the work that you do.

The Aligned Niche helps you uncover exactly what you need to sell and to whom to get your business on the path for real, lasting Sustainable Success.

Register today to get started.

People love this course! Here's what they have to say about it:

“I joined [this course] because I don’t like being put in a box. I feel like I’m multi-talented and can reach several different types of people. I had sooooooooooooooo much resistance to getting this done. And yet the straightforward, step-by-step coaching through each stage of the program was just what the doctor ordered. 

I’m now clearer and more focused. There is a clarity in my brain that simply didn't exist before. I can talk about my Ideal Customer, and feel comfortable that they are exactly who they need to be. I'd been torturing myself with the preconceived notion that I have to be able to offer my clients a full transformation to be worth what the market, my needs and the value that I bring say that my services are worth. To realize that I could create a ‘lower scaled’ offer for my solution-oriented version of my ICA was SUCH a relief.

I feel like I have a great starting point that I can refine and hone over time. I have a few friends and family members that are moving into the world of trying to figure out how to work for themselves. Copywriters, massage therapists, and even a nurse. All searching for answers on how to figure this crap out. And the answers on the internet suuuuuuuck, so yes, I’d recommend [this course] to all of them!"

Online Business Owner

“Niching felt too narrow and overwhelming, so I liked the way that it was defined in this course. I felt the exercises were helpful, the explanations behind the exercises were really helpful and I loved having easy-to-follow transcripts. I do feel like I have more clarity, more specificity around the benefits of my offer and am poised to create more content. I think the whole messaging section was most helpful. This has always been a confusing concept to me and while I worked at a quick pace and don't think I could turn around and explain to someone what constitutes messaging, I feel more confident about my messaging. Externally, I have more skills and resources to refer back to. Internally, I’ve grown confidence around my offer and messaging and feeling a sense of celebration that I finished a course on topics that my resistance often makes me feel so confused and overwhelmed about.”

Business Mindset Coach

“I understood the necessity of niching but I was confused about the ideal client avatar versus the change my product offered. Niche Unleashed made me understand these concepts clearly, and now I love thinking in terms of Solution- or Transformation-Ready Clients. I also love how the course centred Right Fit clients as someone I would like to work with as well. Carly is very clear in all she’s saying, and she makes everything super simple throughout. The mindset stuff she peppered in throughout was so helpful, too! I’ve nailed down the details of my very first offer, and all of this business stuff seems more doable to me now. I’d recommend this course to those just starting an online business so they get these business basics down pat and also to those who are confused and worried about not making more sales.

Process Art Facilitator

I’m finishing [this course] feeling more equipped to talk about personality life coaching in a way that could better resonate with my Right Fit Ready to Purchase people. I'd been feeling intimidated - especially after having taken multiple courses, completed worksheets, attended masterclasses, and still feeling overwhelmed/boxed-in and STILL vague about my people. Now I’m more empowered and confident I have a clue! ;) I’m excited about the potential shifts I'll make in my messaging for that offer and the chain effect of getting to support incredible women in becoming the best version of themselves. That's ridiculously exciting. And I'm looking forward to more boldly talking about my work - and having more fun doing it!

I loved so many things about this course: the [Audience Alignment exercise] was really helpful and so dang simple. The emphasis on not sitting in perfectionism and that we'll never truly get it "perfect" (and that's okay!). Social listening will be something that I think I'll continue enjoying the more I make it a habit. The worksheets were so helpful. Honestly, I loved all of it!

Now I know that Niching isn't so much about focusing on specific demographics or hobbies/etc. it's about figuring out who's your Right Fit Client who's also Ready to Purchase. Speak to them. And those RFCs might be someone who surprises you. And bonus #2: Audience + Offer + Messaging = deeply integrated and essential for alignment. So many fledgling entrepreneurs are daunted by how to begin niching, but this course makes it so simple. This framework is illuminating and reduces wasting so much time and angst not understanding the difference between an avatar and a ready-to-purchase client - and for what offer. Thank you Carly, this was so life-giving!”

Personality Life Coach

“I loved this course! I now have a complete and new way of viewing niching that’s technically sound! I’d recommend The Aligned Niche to anyone doing business online. REGARDLESS of your knowledge.

Anonymous Online Business Owner
Business Coach

“Carly knows her stuff! I now have a much better understanding of what it means to niche and the course helped me clarify who I would serve and how. The course flowed well and each lesson was valuable and built on the next. My biggest takeaway is that messaging is key to attracting the right clients! I'm feeling much more confident about my niche and am less stressed. I know what I need to do to get things moving. I would recommend The Aligned Niche to my colleagues trying to get their business going.”


“Confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated. That’s how I felt about niching. Now I’m lots more confident and clear, knowing this will be a process of refinement but also that I have the structure to always guide me. I especially loved the step by step process that builds on what is already created, and it shows behind the scenes how the messaging works with the client's psychology. Learning how to extract the guaranteed result and the meaningful outcomes to speak to the practical and the dream aspects of the clients' desires was a huge ah-ha. I'm celebrating new clarity and structure, which will reduce my resistance to create content and sell my work, and the fact that I pushed through when it was difficult and messy, just making changes bit by bit until I was happy enough (without perfectionism). If you’re a life coach who has a broad range of ways to work with people from all walks of life, I’d recommend you take [this course]. It honours the diversity of people and still speaks to their shared wants and desires that can be achieved with the coaching.”

Life Coach

"Niching always made me want to roll my eyes, because the concept seemed rather limited and constraining to me. But because of [this course], I feel as though a door has been opened to let in some fresh air and expanded horizons. I really appreciated Carly Jo’s no-fluff approach that offered a ton of value in just a few minutes of video coursework. The workbook was also completely on-point and laser-focused, helping me develop ideas quickly.

I think the biggest difference between this course and other offerings on 'niching' is the element of the ready-to-buy customer. THAT is where I’ve been going astray in my marketing. I also loved the related anti-pain-point approach, which resonates so much and makes everything seem less icky. I’m celebrating a LOT more clarity about my primary offer and how to talk about it! This was the BEST course I've taken in AGES! I feel so ready to get into action. Thank you!!

Online Business Owner

“I now have a different way to think about niching than, ‘It means you can only…’ Carly is an awesome coach, the workbook is clear and well laid out, and the questions - while many of them sound simple, are stacked to be really revealing, helping to pull things out of my head that I know I know but maybe haven't been able to articulate or didn't realize I needed to. I now have greater clarity, and I’d recommend this course to a Solution-Ready Customer.”

Online Business Owner

"I actually thought I had a niche before taking [this course], but now I realise how to focus my niche further, especially on the purchase-ready customer who will take ownership and will do the work the course requires.

My big a-ha happened when you first taught about the purchase-ready customer, and I immediately felt so amazingly positive and excited by how clear I now am about who to target/speak to. It really shifts your energy!

It’s refreshing to hear a level of thought that the other standard approaches I’ve seen in soooo many courses don’t cover. I feel now that some of these course creators target the ‘I need a saviour’ as they’ll buy the course, but the course creator may not care that they’ll ever do the course. 

Your explanation on getting to your real niche and ideal customer is the best I’ve seen (and I’m a marketer!…it helped me immensely). I feel like I have great clarity and really practical work from the workbook that I can literally drop into my course messaging, sales page, ads etc right away. Thank you!"

Marketing Specialist

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder